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Fitness Journey

Fitness Journey
Wellness Event Indianopolis

About Angelica 

Hi, I am Angelica and before I tell you more about my team and how you can join I want to tell you why I joined and how it changed my life.  


One night after work, exhausted and bored I logged in to social media.  This girl I only met once and then followed posted something.   She posted that she had paid three months rent upfront with her side business.  I commented, "Damn I wish I could do that".  5 minutes later she messaged me.   It took two weeks or so for me to do it.  Not because I didn't want to, I was so busy with work.  I was tired all the time even though I loved my job but also felt lost.  I didn't know how to start.   She would message me and check in on me throughout those couple of weeks.  She kept offering me an opportunity to not only lose the weight but work a business helping others.  I help people everyday in my current job, why couldn't I do it with my own business?  My budget was tight and couldn't justify the cost to join, even though looking at it now it wasn't that much.  But I made the decision to choose myself and take this opportunity to build my own side business.   The next day I sold my Gucci purse on Ebay and used some of the money to become a coach and start a side business and loss this extra weight.  This was going to be my last resort of another "diet".    


I went all in and had all the tools given to me.  It was so easy.  For the first time I didn't have to count calories or wake up early to go out in the cold and head to a gym.  I started to lose the weight working out from home and was finally learning how to eat a proper diet.  There were no tricks, gimmicks or shortcuts.  I would workout 30 minutes a day when I found time.  I started to create positive habits, less tv, less social media, sleeping at a reasonable time, and my attitude changed.  People were asking me what was different and noticed I lost weight. They began to ask me how I was doing it and I created my team.  I started signing people up and helping others.  The next thing you knew I was making a little extra money.  I met so many new people, all with interesting stories.  I thought I was alone in my journey but there were so many with similar stories.  My attitude and joy for fitness changed so much that I was the first ever Wellness Ambassador for my company.  I began to incorporate wellness programs for the employees in all our locations throughout the United States.  


I like to share my story now because I see what it has done for me.  When I meet someone new or they ask me about my journey I always tell them, the weight lost was the bonus, what I've learn and how I change my mindset was what I really needed.   I also tell people they will  know when they are ready for change.   If you are not willing to try something for 21 to 30 days and stick with it, you don't really want to change.  You have to tap into your soul.  You have to choose yourself and trust the process.  You have to stop making excuses!  There is no quick fix and you have to learn to be open to something new.  You can choose to be uncomfortable in your workout or choose to be uncomfortable with yourself.  What will you choose?  


My Team

Who is Team Pretty Tough?  It's being the best version of yourself.  Where you have fit goals, financial goals or squad goals, we are here to help you build a better body and brighter future.  


I am bilingual and we stream out workouts  the U.S, Canada, Puerto Rico, U.K., and France.  I offer One on One Coach Trainings to learn the business.  We offer virtual workouts, nutrition, personal development, weekly touch base and weekly team calls.  


I also offer Group Challenges.  Do you want to do a challenge with a group of friends?  I can create a special challenge for your entire group and I will be your support the entire time.  Or you can join our current group for full support.  


Do you want to be a accountability coach and make a side income or even full income?  I will give you the tools and training to take your passion to the next level!  


To join Team Pretty Tough you can fill out the application form here in English or Spanish

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